“I live in the borderland between addiction and advocacy.

No, I haven’t been a heroin addict in nearly fifty years, but I still inhabit this space where the these two parts of my story collide: addiction and transformation advocacy. Shadows and hope overlap.

For someone like me - a South Western Apache Mestizo, an aspiring farmer turned drug trafficker turned presidential advisor - I have moved from life as a overdosing heroin addict into a life of advocacy I didn’t feel qualified for. I have journeyed through the darkest days of addiction into a life lit up by hope.”


Notable Endorsements

Borderlands not only tells the incredible story of an American patriot, advocate, and leader; it also offers a powerful message on the devastation of addiction and how critical it is to have effective prevention, treatment, and recovery.”

—Major General Arthur T. Dean

U.S. Army (Ret) • Former Chairman and CEO of Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America

“An extraordinarily transparent account of a lifelong journey from struggle to triumph, Borderlands is an essential read for anyone who’s ever said, “I can’t.” At different times guided by faith, family, duty, and service, Henry’s story of recovery lays bare the challenges of addiction and the ultimate reward in accepting God’s grace.”

—The Honorable Alison Young

Former Deputy Assistant to the President of the United States

“Mr. Lozano is an effective advocate with a history of public service in preventing and reducing illegal drug use.”

—The Honorable John P. Walters

Former Director of White House Office Drug Control Policy

Brian C. Nixon is a writer, artist, educator, minister, and family man. He’s a graduate of California State University, Stanislaus (BA), Trinity Seminary (MA), Veritas Seminary (MA) and is a fellow at Oxford Graduate School (DPhil). He is a known journalist for Assist News, and carried by several other Christian publications, including Christian Today (UK), Sight Magazine (AU), and Messenger Magazine (US). His recent book titled Tilt was inspired by the Christian imagination, covering three broad areas — truth, beauty, and goodness.

About the author

Brian C. Nixon